
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Bit is a disaster - and that's a good thing

I was afraid that Bitter wouldn't make it to this point - the first post-chemo checkup.  It was bad - to the point that I was worried when I would leave home that he may or may not be up and about when I got home.  He was very thin (around 9.5lbs) and didn't look good.  Really, he was just lying around - not that 12 year old cats do much more than just lie around, but more than usual.

Well, he's been doing much better.  I hope it's because the Lukeran is doing it's thing, and it isn't just a temporary respite provided by the Prednisolone.  The Lukeran would actually kill the tumors, while the Pred just shrinks things, and the tumors come back quickly.
Unfortunately, I can't tell what's helping more at the moment, but the good news is Bit is obviously feeling much better - more active, eating, complaining, and generally being a little jackass.  He even tried to roll off the balcony (3 stories up) the other day.  Terrifying, but also a little reassuring - cats doing dumb things is better than cats doing no things.  Not to state the obvious, but I'm happier when he's being a little asshole rather than when he's being nice - because nice is not who he is.
Well, the good folks at VERG got to see Bit in full-on Bitter mode.  He fought, clawed, complained, pooped, scratched and bit everyone and everything.  He wrecked a room.  He drew blood.  He fought like a mini-puma. In short, he was feeling much better and reacted just as well as could be expected.  After drawing the blood (yes - they just drew blood.  That's why we're not doing injectable chemo.),the results were good - WBC is normal, his RBC is up to the 35% range (from the 15% range it was before). While I might be a little fanatical about making sure he's getting everything he needs, it's working- and better still, the chemo hasn't killed him, which is something I worried about before.
Now, let's see how long this lasts.
I do feel better about going away - I know he'll be around when I come back.  And he's going to be pissed. Just the way I like it.

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