
Friday, June 15, 2012


I think the cat's chemo may be working, albeit slowly.  Well, if a few days is slowly.

Bit isn't feeling well, that's for certain, since starting on his Leukeran and prednisolone.  However, it seems to come and go - he'll be under the bed for a time, and then up and about for a time.  But he also had a small growth on top of his head - probably some kind of skin tumor, mast cell, or what have you. This seems smaller today than yesterday - a sign, perhaps, that the drug combo is having at least some effect.  Of course, whether it's doing anything to the tumor on his colon, or to his lymph nodes, that's really the question.  I don't expect to see results too terribly quickly - actually, that's the very reason he's on this regimen, is to NOT see results too quickly (which could be catastrophic).
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he rallies yet again - last week around this time, I was not convinced he was going to make it to his chemo appointment.  Now, I have some hope that he'll be around for a little while, and more importantly, be happy - or at least as happy as he gets.  As my friend J said last night, "That cat could die and his anger will keep him walking around for 6 months".
Oh, Bit.

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