
Friday, March 30, 2012

Sheep herding

This is Leo's sheep herding instinct test from April, 2008.  He passed!

He wasn't nearly as manic as the other border collies (one just ran in circles around the sheep for about 10 minutes), but he just got it - go to the other side of the sheep, push them toward me.  And he loved to bark at them.  I believe the term they used on his certificate (yes, he has a certificate) says he was very "enthusiastic".

Leo has cancer.

Leo is my border collie.  He's 8 1/2.  Yesterday, I found out that Leo has lymphoma - a common, treatable, but ultimately uncurable cancer of the lymphatic system.  Treatment, in the form of chemotherapy, can result in average remission times of about 12 months.  He's otherwise healthy, and starting treatment soon.  Statistically, he should be around to be naughty, go on hikes, chase sheep, and be Leo for at least another year or so.
This will be the record of that year, and hopefully more.