
Monday, May 28, 2012

Bit of a fright

So Saturday night was a bit scary.  After getting caught in a downpour earlier, we were relaxing at home and hanging out.  As midnight rolled around, it was time for the evening walk.  When we walked out, were very nearly attacked by a very large, very aggressive rottie from down the block.  It was dragging her owner behind her, charging down the block toward us.  The owner and her friend managed to get the dog back under control about 20 feet short of us, but still - it was terrifying.

Leo in the Car

Leo loves riding in the car.  He sits in front (regardless of how many people might be in the car), sits like a person, wears his seatbelt, and never complains about what's on the radio.
In short, he may be the perfect co-pilot.

Monday, May 7, 2012

A week without Chemo or drama

So Leo didn't go to chemo this week, which was probably a good thing.  The last of the cocktail, doxorubicin, was awful.  He obviously wasn't feeling well by Sunday night.  On Tuesday, he didn't even want to get out of bed, and wound up sick.  The good news is that we're well armed with medicine - anti-emetics, anti-diarrheals, anti-just-about-everything, so that's good, and he's kept his appetite (although apparently even THAT was flagging on Monday and Tuesday and into Wednesday, so that's bad).  But by Wednesday afternoon, he was back to being Leo and when I saw them on Friday they were both super happy.