So I get to have NYE with EO, which is nice. It will certainly be low-key, since neither of us are feeling particularly great.
In my case, it's an ear infection. You don't want to hear the doctor say "WOW!" when he looks in your ear. Apparently, something happened during my travels of the past 2 weeks and my right ear decided enough is enough. Dizziness, headaches, and my ear hurts. Hooray, antibiotics!
Leo's not feeling great since he had L-spar last time and is back on prednisone. I don't like when he's on it, because he gets crazed - this look of "I MUST EAT!" on his face, and the constant grubbing. It's better than not eating and having his system shut down, but it's not good. So, we'll see - his energy has been a bit low since the last treatment, but we're not going in until after the new year again. So, there's some time.
I think we might be spacing these out a bit. Trying to get 8, maybe 10 days between treatments to see if we can minimize the wear-and-tear on him.
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