
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Rough night

So the ice and snow aren't making Leo happy - his old hips aren't what they used to be, and the crust on the ice can't quite hold him, so walking is tough and jarring. So, he's a bit sore.

That said, he's been in a really good mood. He's been super social - meeting a lot of dogs, being very good to all of them, and generally acting like a distinguished old man in the park.

Well, he got a bit of a rude awakening last night. He ran in to a husky that was off leash (no big deal - the park was nothing but people walking dogs at 10pm) and things went... poorly.
Now, Leo didn't start this, at all. The dogs happily met each other, and did some of the sniffing and posturing. Now, with huskies, this seems to be a big exaggerated. Whether it's just how they are or a real dominance thing, I don't know. But that's the normal state, and Leo has (and had) some great husky friends who have been more than happy to jump around and play rough in the way that huskies do.

Well, this time, something happened (and it is not the first time for this husky, from what I gathered). She went after Leo suddenly, taking everyone by surprise. The good news is that I was on the other end of his leash, and I'm not afraid to step in. Leo wound up with a scratch on his face and some slobber, I think. But he did get the worst of it, and he didn't start it. He was pouting afterwards - I think he was upset she got the jump on him.

All told, it wasn't bad, but notable because it's the first time that a dog has gotten into it with him in a long time.

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