
Friday, June 8, 2012

The cat

Leo isn't the only furry one that's around. There's another dog, Luna:
Luna is a nut.  She marches to her own band - not just a drummer.  She's slightly agoraphobic, loves cats, and doesn't like food.  So, yeah.  She's also 12 and, while a complete lunatic, healthy.

Then there is the cat, Bitter.  Bitter is also 12-ish (dunno, got him when he was about a year and a half in the summer of 2001).
Bit used to be fat, lazy, and angry. Recently, he's become skinny, lazy and angry.  Over the past 6 weeks or so, his weight loss, lack of eating, and digestive issues have become a problem.  He, too, had an elevated white blood cell count as well (which Leo had, initially).  3 courses of antibiotics, some x-rays and a bit of sedation later (he doesn't do the vet well, among other things), and no changes.  So, back to VERG (we're they're best customers) and some more tests.  And then the news came - Bit has cancer, too.  He has a tumor on his colon, and it may have started to spread.
This has been hard to take.  First, knowing that Leo is sick.  Then finding out that Bit, my little angry one, is terminal - it's been a difficult week.  Bit isn't a candidate for chemo, since he's rather "fractious" and tends to bite, scratch, scream, poop, pee, and destroy things when the vet tries to take blood, let alone injecting drugs.  He simply can't do it, personality-wise, and it's probably too far along to really help.  So it's quality-of-life time for the angry one.
And that sucks.  Quality Of Life.  Living through that applied to humans, it's a euphemism for a painless (relatively, anyway) death in fairly short order.  My boy only has a little time left. And that's hard to take.  He's sat on my hands for all of my grad school papers, been with me through some very tough times and has kept me sane when I didn't think I would be able.  Yeah, he's a cat - a solitary hunter who uses people as a means to get food.  But when he sits on my legs, paws on me, and falls asleep purring, you tell me that I'm just a lunchbox.
Although I'm still convinced that he checks to see if I'm breathing while I sleep to see if he can eat me yet.

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