
Wednesday, June 20, 2012


So it's 96°F outside today. Not good for puppies or for cats, that's for sure.  Leo's apparently not too happy today - a little anti-social and grumpy.  Bit, on the other hand, is being very social (laying on my hands while I type).  Granted, he doesn't have to go outside - which on a day like today, is a good thing.
I was just thinking about something, tho, while watching Bit look around.  While they were doing his ultrasound, they noticed that, while sedated, his eyes were flickering back and forth.  They thought it was a sign that he may have a brain tumor. Then, today, while he was hanging out on my hands, his eyes were darting back and forth a little - but that was when he was annoyed.  He's done that for a while - he gets all squinty, and that's when you know you're about to succumb to the bear trap.  I really think that it was just his anger coming through the sedation.  He might not be able to fight, but he will let you know he's unhappy.
Anyway, he's doing much better.  Whether it's the steroids, or the Leukeran, or the combination, he seems to be doing better. Eating, sleeping, pooping and generally being a cat.  He's been much more active the past few days, too, waking me up and wandering around a bit.  But then again, he's 12- that's about as much as he does, anyway.

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